Gate Plate 2-pack

Sale price$74.995.0

This model allows the gate to freely swing open, while keeping your pet from digging underneath when closed. Once installed, this unit will withstand the weight of a mower, anything over can be braced with a length of 2×4 wood under the middle lift in the unit.

Dig Defence® has a product that is right for you. Dig Defence® and products of are manufactured from the highest quality galvanized American Steel. Our products are built to give you a lifetime of service with no maintenance, no wasted energy costs, and the peace of mind that your pets are humanely and safely contained.

Product is 32 inches in length and comes with 2 of the 2 inch units for securing to the ground.


Please note: expensive shipping rates apply to all Dig Defence products, due to the heaviness of our solid steel units. We include free shipping, consider this when assessing the value of your purchase.

Free shipping excluded in HI, AK.
If you wish to have a shipping quote please use our contact us page.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Gwen Lovett
Gives me peace of mind!

This is a great product! Easy to install and keeps my big dog from trying to dig out under the gates in the yard. This is a really challenging area and these plates are a fantastic solution!